Saturday, April 07, 2007

On The Road Again...

Greetings and salutations - April is a month of traveling for me. In five days I leave for New York City. I'm pretty excited as its been a few years since I've been there. After my meetings are done I can play, play, play!

I'm staying with a friend in Manhatten and we plan on getting theatre tickets see at least one a day while I'm there. I so love Broadway shows and this will be an incredible indulgence for both of us. She's a stockbroker and rarely takes time off either so the time I'll be there will be a vacation for her too.

I'm hoping to load up on Korean Barbeque and hit Serendipity's for a frozen hot chocolate. I don't care if it is 20 degrees outside, I want my frozen hot chocolate! :)

After I return home it's time to get ready for the Romantic Times conference in Houston. This conference is roughly a week long and always an endurance test. Lots of standing and talking and drinking... I'm actually going to have to take it easy in NY and not walk enough to annoy my knee. If I can't walk at RT then I'm screwed - how do I get the bar if I can't walk? :)

Monday, April 02, 2007


In ebook at least. Winter's Daughter, the first book in my new series entitled, The Coven, is now available in ebook format. The paperback will be available very soon.
I can't begin to tell you how utterly proud I am of this book. As with everyone, we do some things out of duty or necessity and, if we're REALLY lucky, every now and then we do things out of sheer, unadultered love and pleasure - that is what this book was for me.
I truly hope you enjoy it!