Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Top 10 Reasons I Know It's The Holiday Season...

Number 10 - I went to the grocery store and was run over by a plastic car-shaped shopping cart.

Well, I wasn't run over, I was run into though and it hurt! I went to the grocery store this morning before 9am and it was packed. Everyone had that harried, gotta-get-the-grocery look and you took your own life into your hands just trying to get out of an aisle and into the stream of traffic.

It was ugly.

I was trying to exit the salad dressing / vinegar / bbq sauce aisle and this woman came around the corner, looking completely away from me and plowed her bright blue car-shaped cart into my normal, big girl cart. I was the recipient of an accusatory glare because I got in HER way, ignoring the fact that I wasn't even moving at the time, and she takes off with her kids packed into the cart like sardines, muttering something about olives.

Yup, its the season the be jolly alright. Next time I go to the store I think I'll arm myself with a German Shepard just to make my way through the crowds.

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