Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WLW: I'm a slacker...

Whee! I've been in a rough spot lately. I had to have a root canal last week and it was ugly now. I've had a root canal before and it was no big deal - but this one was the gift that kept on giving. With the first one I didn't have hardly any pain after 24 hours - I can't say the same for this one. I had to eat soft food (ICE CREAM, BABY!) for about 3 days and now the pain is finally slacking off.

I gained a few pounds but I do consider this extenuating circumstances. It was ice cream...or DIE. LOL.

But I'm back on my 'program' and I hope to shed my little gain by Monday and be back at my 45lb loss.

How did you do this week?


Monica Burns said...

I finally was able to start walking again. Doing good with that. Not so good with the fries last night or the three mini-donuts this morning. Sometimes I have no willpower. *sigh* Gonna be back on the wagon at lunch with the standard tuna, carrots and dill pickles.

J.C. Wilder said...

Good for you!!

Willpower alone will not enable you to lose weight - I firmly believe its a myth. If we have the stick-to-it-iveness to get published then losing weight should be easy for us...NOT. :)